Romulus Augustus —The Last Emperor of Rome

Romulus Augustus is widely recognised as the last Emperor of Rome, with his abdication marking the fall of the western Roman Empire.

Named for the founder of Rome and its first emperor, Romulus Augustus is widely regarded as the Western Empire’s last emperor. Aged fourteen at his accession, he was forced to abdicate only ten months later. His story is synonymous with the decline of the empire he briefly ruled.

The Last Roman Emperor?

Declared emperor on the 31st October 475AD in Ravenna, there is some debate as to whether Romulus’ title was legitimate. He was awarded power following a military coup organised by his father, general Orestes. However, the deposed emperor, Julius Nepos, still lived, albeit in exile, in Dalmatia.

Nepos had been installed by the emperors of the eastern Roman empire, Leo and Zeno, and they continued to regard him as emperor, but Nepos had little support in the west. After Orestes seized power, he fled Italy and the Roman senate took this as evidence of his deposition. Despite their nominal support, Leo and Zeno offered Nepos no practical help to restore him.

Coin bearing the image of Romulus Augustus. Picture Credit: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Wikimedia Commons

‘Little Augustus’ and the Decline of Rome

However, none of this made Romulus a credible emperor. Orestes installed his son as his puppet, probably using the boy’s mother’s patrician credentials to justify his ascension. Romulus made no decisions and only left his mark through a few coins minted in Rome, Ravenna and Gaul. Contemporaries also viewed the boy with disdain. Some referred to him as “Augustulus” or “little Augustus”, signifying his unimportance, while others referred to him as “momylus” or “little disgrace”. 

Yet the “little disgrace” suited his empire well. Rome’s influence had waned, by Romulus’s time stretching no further than Italy and parts of Gaul. Many Roman landowners outside Italy had been forced to hand over their lands to encroaching German allies. Orestes maintained his power through tenuous promises of Italian land to barbarian mercenaries who had helped him mount his coup. When he rescinded his offer, Odovacar, one of his German officers, led them against him.

Romulus Augustulus resigns the Roman crown to and Odoacer. Nineteenth Century illustration. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain

The Final Fall of Rome

War followed, culminating in Oreste’s defeat and execution in Piacenza. Little over a week later, Romulus was forced to abdicate on the 4th of September 476AD in the city where he inherited the imperial mantel. Owing to his youth, his life was spared and he was sent to Campania, either in exile or pensioned retirement. At this point, history falls silent on the subject of Rome’s last emperor.


Gibbon, Edward, (1979 edition) Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Bison Books.

De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors

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