Taken from the Greek for “double theatre”, an amphitheatre was the venue for the Roman gladiatorial fights and wild beats hunts. Also known as arenas for the sand-strewn over their floor to soak up the blood, these structures trace their origins back to the second century BC.
Originally, Roman amphitheatres were temporary wooden structures. But with time, they developed, with concrete allowing them to develop into an architectural art form.
The Origins of Roman Amphitheatres
Gladiatorial contests were originally held in temporary arenas erected in open areas such as the forum of a town, purpose built pits or at the bottom of natural inclines with wooden seating for spectators. The original Roman term for these structures was “spectacular”, which gave its name to the gruesome games they hosted. However, in 2 BC, the term “amphitheatre” was first applied to venues of the games.

The Earliest Amphitheatres
Evidence for the earliest amphitheatres was discovered in Campania, where the tradition of gladiatorial contests is said to originate. At Capua, Cumae, and Liternum, remains were dated to the second century BC, while at Atella, Cales, Telese and Pompeii, amphitheatres can be traced back to the first half of the first century BC.
In Rome, the original spectaculars occurred in the forum, in temporary rings. Not until the late first century BC did sources mention purpose-built amphitheatres.

The Design of Roman Amphitheatres
Originally, amphitheatres had a simple design. They were elliptical and built on naturally sloping ground or embankments, providing spectators with natural seating areas. If there was no natural slope, temporary wooden seats or cavea were constructed around the fight zone, with some having permanent masonry foundations. Stone seating only occurred on natural slopes, such as at the amphitheatre at Sutri, which was hewn out of natural rock slope.
The Advent of Concrete
Although wooden amphitheatres continued to be built well into the second century AD, the invention of concrete created a revolution in amphitheatre construction.
Concrete allowed the creation of vaults that could give greater support to the foundations of buildings. It was now possible to build free standing amphitheatres on flat plains and marshland without the support of embankments — natural or otherwise. This was because the cavea could be supported by a system of vaults that doubled as access ways. As a result, more amphitheatres were built as permanent, monumental civic structures.

The Legacy of the Colosseum
The Colosseum represents the pinnacle of amphitheatre building. The first great masonry amphitheatre, its size, design and magnificence were unprecedented and made it the model for all future amphitheatres.
It could be said that the Colosseum promoted the amphitheatre as a civic building. For by the end of the first century AD, every town of any significance in the Roman Empire had an amphitheatre — wooden or stone, simple or complex.
Connolly, P (2003). Colosseum: Rome’s Arena of Death. BBC Books.